Thursday, June 3, 2010

Make coffee with espresso coffee pods

Espresso coffee pods are a fast and convenient way to make espresso in your own home. It is also an affordable option for those who love the taste of a good espresso coffee drink in the morning, but do not want to pay for an expensive drink at a cafe. This is also a convenient way for someone who is single to make a single cup of coffee.

Also,Using espresso coffee pods is great for the whole family because everyone gets to choose what they want and nobody has to worry about putting on the pot of coffee in the morning. It also saves both time and money to use espresso coffee pods. Instead of rushing out the door to your favorite cafe, wait in line amongst several other coffee lovers and then pay a ridiculously high price for your espresso, and possibly be late to work,

How do single cup coffee makers work? The brewing process is as easy as one, two, and three:
1. Fill the reservoir of your single cup coffee maker with cold water.
2. Select your favorite flavored coffee pod and place it into the single serve coffee maker, such as a Nespresso.
3. Place your coffee cup below the coffee chamber. Pull the lever down (or push the button depending on the type of machine you own) and watch your cup fill with hot, gourmet coffee!

Clean up is even simpler as there are no grinds to clean up or filters to throw away. Just remove the used coffee pod and you’re ready to start anew.

Oh, there is a final step for you — enjoying your delicious, fresh brewed single cup of coffee! What more could a coffee lover ask for?
Presented by 1,000's of Ceiling Fans
Projection for Nespresso on the newly opened Nespresso Boutique in Brussels:

In order to add to the festivities of the newly opened Nespresso Boutique in Brussels, Nestle developed a projection on the façade of the building. It’s amazing and wonderful!

Projection for Nespresso on the newly opened Nespresso Boutique in Brussels from NuFormer Projection on Vimeo.

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